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Create an Azure Key Vault service

As a next step you will need to create an Azure Key Vault service for holding your application certificates. You can use the below guidance for creating a Key Vault.

Step by step guidance

  1. Create an Azure Key Vault using Azure CLI. Make sure you use a globally unique name for your Key Vault.

    az keyvault create \
        --name $KEYVAULT_NAME \
        --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
        --location $LOCATION \
        --sku standard \
  2. Assign access to Azure Key Vault for your user using Azure CLI.

    KEYVAULT_ID=$(az keyvault show -n $KEYVAULT_NAME -g $RESOURCE_GROUP --query id -o tsv)
    CURRENT_USER=$(az account show --query --output tsv)
    echo $CURRENT_USER
    az role assignment create \
       --role "Key Vault Secrets Officer" \
       --assignee $CURRENT_USER \
       --scope $KEYVAULT_ID
    az role assignment create \
       --role "Key Vault Certificates Officer" \
       --assignee $CURRENT_USER \
       --scope $KEYVAULT_ID