If you’re not going to continue to use this lab environment, run the following command to delete the resource group along with all the resources created in this lab.
There is a known issue when delete OpenAI instance, Azd down on OpenAI instance, extra steps required to delete all the resources.
Delete environment created by Azd automation
Set config flag for OpenAI instance
azd config set alpha.deployment.stacks on
Tear down the azd environment
- run
azd env list
to see all the environments - run
azd down -e <env-name> --force --purge
to clean up the target environment
- run
Delete environment created by manual steps
Clean up the Azure Cognitive Services account
list the deployments
az cognitiveservices account deployment list -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n $OPEN_AI_SERVICE_NAME -o table
delete the deployments on by one
az cognitiveservices account deployment delete -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n $OPEN_AI_SERVICE_NAME --deployment-name <deployment-name>
delete the Azure Cognitive Services account
az cognitiveservices account delete -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n $OPEN_AI_SERVICE_NAME
Delete the resource group with all the resources
az group delete --name $RESOURCE_GROUP
It takes about 30 minutes to delete all the resources in the environment.