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Update the applications to use passwordless connectivity

By now all setup on the container apps side is done. You will still need to update your microservices to make use of the new passwordless capabilities.

The following three apps of your application use the database hosted by the Azure Database for MySQL Single Server instance, so they will need to have their code updated:

  • customers-service
  • vets-service
  • visits-service

Step by step guidance

  1. You will now need to update the spring-petclinic-customers-service, spring-petclinic-visits-service and spring-petclinic-vets-service to make use of the passwordless capabilities of the Azure SDK. In each pom.xml file of each microservice replace the mysql-connector-j artifact by this one:

  2. In the main pom.xml file add the Azure BOM as an extra dependency between the <dependencyManagement><dependencies></dependencies></dependencyManagement> elements.

  3. In the same file also add an additional property between the <properties></properties> element for the Azure Spring Cloud version we are going to use.

  4. With these changes done. Make sure you are in the /src folder and rebuild the project.

    cd /workspaces/java-microservices-aca-lab/src
    mvn clean package -DskipTests
  5. In the config repository there will be no credentials, you may use the config files saved in this repository, under directory config. Update config server configuration:

    az containerapp env java-component config-server-for-spring update \
       --environment $ACA_ENVIRONMENT \
       --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
       --name $JAVA_CONFIG_COMP_NAME \
  6. Once the build is done, move to the staging-acr directory and recreate the containers for customers, visits and vets.

    cd staging-acr
    export APP_NAME="customers-service"
    cp ../spring-petclinic-$APP_NAME/target/spring-petclinic-$APP_NAME-$VERSION.jar spring-petclinic-$APP_NAME-$VERSION.jar
    sed -i "s|my-service|$APP_NAME|g" Dockerfile
    az containerapp update \
       --name $APP_NAME \
       --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
       --source .  \
    sed -i "s|$APP_NAME|my-service|g" Dockerfile
    rm spring-petclinic-$APP_NAME-$VERSION.jar
    export APP_NAME="vets-service"
    cp ../spring-petclinic-$APP_NAME/target/spring-petclinic-$APP_NAME-$VERSION.jar spring-petclinic-$APP_NAME-$VERSION.jar
    sed -i "s|my-service|$APP_NAME|g" Dockerfile
    az containerapp update \
       --name $APP_NAME \
       --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
       --source .  \
    sed -i "s|$APP_NAME|my-service|g" Dockerfile
    rm spring-petclinic-$APP_NAME-$VERSION.jar
    export APP_NAME="visits-service"
    cp ../spring-petclinic-$APP_NAME/target/spring-petclinic-$APP_NAME-$VERSION.jar spring-petclinic-$APP_NAME-$VERSION.jar
    sed -i "s|my-service|$APP_NAME|g" Dockerfile
    az containerapp update \
       --name $APP_NAME \
       --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
       --source .  \
    sed -i "s|$APP_NAME|my-service|g" Dockerfile
    rm spring-petclinic-$APP_NAME-$VERSION.jar
  7. This will redeploy each of your apps. After redeploy, double check that yu are still able to connect to the database and see data in the apps. If that is not the case, use the logs to troubleshoot.