Deploy Contoso Insurance

published by: Cory Fowler

  1. Check to ensure that the build is passing VSTS Build
  2. Fork this repository to your GitHub account
  3. Click the Deploy to Azure Button below

    Deploy to Azure

  4. Fill in the values in the deployment page.
Property Description
Resource group To reduce failures, please use a new Resource Group.
Sitename Use the default value. The first 6 characters of the Resource Group Id will be appended to the site name to avoid name duplication errors.
SQLAdministratorLoginPassword Use a strong password.
SourceCodeRepositoryURL Use the repository you just forked.
SourceCodeManualIntegration If deploying from the main repo, use true for ManualIntegration, otherwise use false. This parameter controls whether or not a webhook is created when you deploy. If you don’t have permissions to the repo and it tries to create a webhook (i.e., ManualIntegration is false, then deployment will fail).
VisionServiceSubscriptionKey Use one of the Computer Vision Services keys you just created.
MSAClientId Microsoft Application ID (see Setup Authentication Providers
MSAClientSecret Client Secret (Application Secret) from the Application above
AADClientId Azure Active Directory Client ID (see Setup Authentication Providers)
AADClientSecret Client Secret from the Azure Active Directory Application above
AADIssuerUrl Issuer Url of the Azure Active Directory Application above
ClaimsAdjusterEmail Use an Office 365 Organization Account email address for this setting value.

Note: There are a few requirements for ClaimsAdjusterEmail

  • This account must be a user in the Azure Active Directory associated with the Azure Subscription where you deploy the sample.
  • This account must also have an Office 365 license granted to it and an Exchange mailbox created so it can send and receive emails.
  • You will log into the web application with this account to play the role of the claims adjuster.
  1. Click OK.
  2. Click Review Legal terms, then click Purchase.
  3. Click Create.

Notes: - The deployment creates a Basic (B1) hosting plan in Azure where all of the components are deployed. - The deployment process takes about 8 minutes. - When the deployment steps complete, you will see the following Azure components in the Resource Group.