Run iOS mobile client

published by: Cory Fowler

How To: Run the iOS mobile client app for local execution and debugging on the iOS simulator

  1. Use Visual Studio 2015 to open the src/Cloud/ContosoInsurance-Mobile.sln Visual Studio Solution file. 1.Set up your Mac computer to act as a remote build machine.
    1. Click the Tools menu and select Options. 1.Click Xamarin. 1.Click iOS Settings. 1.Click Find Xamarin Mac Agent and follow the wizard to connect your Mac. 1.Click OK.
  2. Configure the debugging target device according to the screenshot below.

  3. Press F5.
  4. Observe the iOS Simulator start on the Mac Agent and load the Contoso Insurance mobile app.

Note: If you do not set a location for the mobile app it will fail with an exception.

  1. In the Simulator menu, click Debug, Location, Custom Location.

    1.Enter a latitude and longitude. 2.Click OK.

How To: Test Notifications on iOS devices

Note: You must use a physical iOS device test notifications because the iOS simulator does not support push notifications.

  1. Run the ContosoInsurance.iOS app on an iOS device.
  2. Step-by-Step, submit a claim successfully.

  3. Go to the Contoso Insurance web site.
  4. Search the claim that you just submitted above and go to the claim detail page.
  5. Approve or Reject the claim.

  6. The iOS device will display the notification.