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1. Run Azd Command to deploy

Run azd up to deploy the petclinic solution and dependent components to Azure Container App

Step by step guidance

  1. Run azd up

    • fill your environment name.
    • select the target subscription
    • select the target region

    This command will create these components to your environment:

    • Resource Group
    • Virtual Network with subnets
    • Log Analytics Workspace
    • Azure Container Apps environment
    • Managed components in ACA environment: SpringCloudEureka / SpringCloudConfig / SpringBootAdmin
    • MySQL flexibleServers
    • The petclinic solution apps api-gateway, admin-server, customer-service, vets-service, visits-service

    You can view detailed progress in the Azure Portal: xxx Open the link to check the deployment status in portal

    You may encounter some failures during the deploy, fix the errors according to the deployment status. If there are internal errors, please re-run the azd up commands to redeploy.

  2. Run rebuild service connection from apps to sql database Due to some limitation, the bicep won’t create database user for the service connections, See Lab 4 step 2.

    Run the commands below to create the db user

     CLIENT_ID=$(az identity show --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --name $ACA_IDENTITY --query 'clientId' --output tsv)
     echo $CLIENT_ID
     az containerapp connection create mysql-flexible \
     --connection mysql_conn \
     --source-id $CUSTOMERS_ID \
     --target-id $DB_ID \
     --client-type SpringBoot \
     --user-identity client-id=$CLIENT_ID subs-id=$SUBID mysql-identity-id=$ADMIN_IDENTITY_RESOURCE_ID \
     -c customers-service

    Only one command required for this solution:

    • The apps share the same connection name, so same user name in db.
    • Once the user name is set, your don’t have to recreate it.
  3. Verify

    • visit the api-gateway Application Url
    • visit the admin-server Application Url