Create the Java components for your config and discovery server
As a next step, you’ll configure the config, discovery, and admin applications. These are available as built-in components of Azure Container Apps.
To learn more about how to configure these applications, refer to:
- Tutorial: Connect to a managed Config Server for Spring in Azure Container Apps
- Tutorial: Connect to a managed Eureka Server for Spring in Azure Container Apps
- Tutorial: Connect to a managed Admin for Spring in Azure Container Apps
Step-by-step guidance
Create the Spring Cloud Config Server Java component. You’ll need to pass the Git repo information you defined back in the Config repo step to correctly load your configuration information.
JAVA_CONFIG_COMP_NAME=configserver az containerapp env java-component config-server-for-spring create \ --environment $ACA_ENVIRONMENT \ --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \ --name $JAVA_CONFIG_COMP_NAME \ --configuration$GIT_URI$SEARCH_PATH$LABEL
Check the Spring Cloud Config Server Java component to confirm that it was successfully created.
az containerapp env java-component config-server-for-spring show \ --environment $ACA_ENVIRONMENT \ --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \ --name $JAVA_CONFIG_COMP_NAME
Next, you’ll create the Spring Cloud Eureka Server Java component. This will create a standard Eureka endpoint within your Container Apps environment. The Spring Petclinic workload will use this for discovery services.
JAVA_EUREKA_COMP_NAME=eureka az containerapp env java-component eureka-server-for-spring create \ --environment $ACA_ENVIRONMENT \ --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \ --name $JAVA_EUREKA_COMP_NAME \ --configuration eureka.server.response-cache-update-interval-ms=10000
The Admin for Spring managed component offers an administrative interface for Spring Boot web applications that exposes actuator endpoints. You’ll create a new Spring Boot Admin application and bind it to the Eureka Server you just created.
JAVA_SBA_COMP_NAME=springbootadmin az containerapp env java-component admin-for-spring create \ --environment $ACA_ENVIRONMENT \ --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \ --name $JAVA_SBA_COMP_NAME \ --bind $JAVA_EUREKA_COMP_NAME \ --min-replicas 1 \ --max-replicas 1
Confirm that all three servers were successfully created using the portal.
In your web browser, go to the Azure portal and access your Azure Container Apps environment. Then open
, and you should find the components that you just created.
Although Azure Container Apps has an internal naming mechanism for allowing applications to call each other, the Eureka Server component is very handy if you’re ever migrating an existing Spring Cloud application and you want to keep working with your current naming mechanism between component applications. In other cases, you can choose to just use the internal naming mechanism that Container Apps already provides.