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Delete secrets from Key Vault

You will start by deleting the existing secrets from the Key Vault. The Key Vault is still there in case other secrets are needed for your apps. For instance for third party services that don’t support passwordless connectivity. You can use the following guidance to perform this task:

Step by step guidance

  1. From the Git Bash prompt, run the following command to delete the secrets from your Azure Key Vault instance. The $KEYVAULT_NAME, $LOCATION and $RESOURCE_GROUP variables contain the name of the Key Vault, Azure region and the resource group into which you deployed the Azure Spring Apps service in the previous exercise of this lab.

    az keyvault secret delete --vault-name $KEYVAULT_NAME --name SPRING-DATASOURCE-URL
    az keyvault secret delete --vault-name $KEYVAULT_NAME --name SPRING-DATASOURCE-USERNAME
    az keyvault secret delete --vault-name $KEYVAULT_NAME --name SPRING-DATASOURCE-PASSWORD