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Live stream the logs from your apps

As the initial mechanism for debugging any errors that may occur in your apps, Spring Apps Service provides the ability to live stream app logs. Use this method to live stream the logs of the api-gateway and the visits services. You can use the following guidance to perform this task:

Step by step guidance

  1. From the Git Bash prompt, run the following command to live stream the logs of the customers-service app, you can use the below statement:

    az spring app logs \
        --name customers-service \
        --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
        --service $SPRING_APPS_SERVICE \
  2. Switch to the web browser displaying the Spring Petclinic application and navigate through its interface. Note that your actions trigger display of new log entries in the console output.

  3. Switch back to the Git Bash prompt and press Ctrl+C to stop streaming the logs.