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Set up the Application Configuration Service for Azure Spring Apps Enterprise

Once you completed the initial update of your git repository hosting the server configuration, you need to set up the Application Configuration Service for your Azure Spring Apps Enterprise instance.

Step by step guidance

  1. Switch to the Git Bash prompt and run the following commands to set the environment variables hosting your GitHub repository and GitHub credentials (replace the <git-repository>, <git-username>, and <git-PAT> placeholders with the URL of your GitHub repository, the name of your GitHub user account, and the newly generated PAT value, respectively).

    The URL of the GitHub repository should be in the format<your-github-username>/spring-petclinic-microservices-config.git, where the <your-github-username> placeholder represents your GitHub user name.

  2. To set up the Application Configuration Service such that it points to your GitHub repository, from the Git Bash prompt, run the following command.

    az spring application-configuration-service git repo add \
        --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
        --name spring-petclinic-config \
        --service $SPRING_APPS_SERVICE \
        --label main \
        --patterns "api-gateway,customers-service,vets-service,visits-service,admin-server" \
        --uri $GIT_REPO \
        --password $GIT_PASSWORD \
        --username $GIT_USERNAME

    In case you are using a branch other than main in your config repo, you can change the branch name with the label parameter.

    Wait for the operation to complete. This might take about 2 minutes.