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Istio Service Mesh

Istio Service Mesh

If you have implemented the CiliumNetworkPolicy manifests from the previous sections, you will need to remove them with the following command before proceeding with the Istio service mesh.

kubectl delete ciliumnetworkpolicy -n pets --all

Istio is an open-source service mesh that layers transparently onto existing distributed applications. Istio’s powerful features provide a uniform and more efficient way to secure, connect, and monitor services. Istio enables load balancing, service-to-service authentication, and monitoring – with few or no service code changes. Its powerful control plane brings vital features, including:

  • Secure service-to-service communication in a cluster with TLS (Transport Layer Security) encryption, strong identity-based authentication, and authorization.
  • Automatic load balancing for HTTP, gRPC, WebSocket, and TCP traffic.
  • Fine-grained control of traffic behavior with rich routing rules, retries, failovers, and fault injection.
  • A pluggable policy layer and configuration API supporting access controls, rate limits, and quotas.
  • Automatic metrics, logs, and traces for all traffic within a cluster, including cluster ingress and egress.

Istio is integrated with AKS as an addon and is supported alongside AKS.

Please be aware that the Istio addon for AKS does not provide the full functionality of the Istio upstream project. You can view the current limitations for this AKS Istio addon here and what is currently Allowed, supported, and blocked MeshConfig values


For this workshop, you will also need to install the following:

Configure CA certificates

In the Istio-based service mesh addon for Azure Kubernetes Service, by default the Istio certificate authority (CA) generates a self-signed root certificate and key and uses them to sign the workload certificates. To protect the root CA key, you should use a root CA which runs on a secure machine offline.

In this lab, we will create our own root CA, along with an intermediate CA, and configure the Istio addon to issue intermediate certificates to the Istio CAs that run in each cluster. An Istio CA can sign workload certificates using the administrator-specified certificate and key, and distribute an administrator-specified root certificate to the workloads as the root of trust.

Clone the Istio Repo

To expedite the process of creating the necessary certificates needed, we will leverage the certificate tooling provided by the Istio open-source project.

In your terminal, run the following command to clone the Istio repository.

git clone
Generate the Root and Intermediate CA certificates

Navigate into the recently cloned Istio directory.

cd istio

Once in the istio directory, create the akslab-certs directory and navigate into it.

mkdir -p akslab-certs
pushd akslab-certs

Generate the root certificate and key.

make -f ../tools/certs/ root-ca

Generate the intermediate certificate and key

make -f ../tools/certs/ intermediate-cacerts

This will create a directory called intermediate which will contain the intermediate CA certificate information.

Add the CA Certificates to Azure Key Vault

We will utilize Azure KeyVault to store the root and intermediate CA certificate information.

In the akslab-certs directory, run the following commands.

az keyvault secret set --vault-name ${AKV_NAME} --name istio-root-cert --file root-cert.pem
az keyvault secret set --vault-name ${AKV_NAME} --name istio-intermediate-cert --file ./intermediate/ca-cert.pem
az keyvault secret set --vault-name ${AKV_NAME} --name istio-intermediate-key --file ./intermediate/ca-key.pem
az keyvault secret set --vault-name ${AKV_NAME} --name istio-cert-chain --file ./intermediate/cert-chain.pem

Enable Azure Key Vault provider for Secret Store CSI Driver for your cluster

The Azure Key Vault provider for Secrets Store CSI Driver allows for the integration of an Azure Key Vault as a secret store with an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster via a CSI volume.

This integration will allow AKS to create, store, and retrieve Kubernetes secrets from Azure Key Vault.

Run the following command to enable the AKS Azure Key Vault secrets provider.

az aks enable-addons \
--addons azure-keyvault-secrets-provider \
--resource-group ${RG_NAME} \
--name ${AKS_NAME}

Authorize the user-assigned managed identity of the AKS Azure Key Vault provider add-on to have access to Azure Key Vault

For the purposes of this lab, we are using the Key Vault Administrator role. Please consider a role with lesser privileges for accessing Azure Key Vault in a production environment.

When you enable the Azure Key Vault provider for the AKS cluster, a user-assigned managed identity is created for the cluster. We will provide the managed identity with access to Azure Key Vault to retrieve the CA certificate information needed when we deploy the AKS Istio addon.

Run the following commands to add an Azure role assignment for Key Vault administrator for the add-on's user-assigned managed identity.

OBJECT_ID=$(az aks show \
--resource-group ${RG_NAME} \
--name ${AKS_NAME} \
--query 'addonProfiles.azureKeyvaultSecretsProvider.identity.objectId' \
-o tsv)

az role assignment create \
--role "Key Vault Administrator" \
--assignee-object-id ${OBJECT_ID} \
--assignee-principal-type ServicePrincipal \
--scope ${AKV_ID}

Deploy Istio service mesh add-on with plug-in CA certificates

Before deploying the AKS Istio add-on, check the revision of Istio to ensure it is compatible with the version of Kubernetes on the cluster. To check the available revisions in the region that the AKS cluster is deployed in, run the following command:

az aks mesh get-revisions \
--location ${LOCATION} \
--output table

You should see the available revisions for the AKS Istio add-on and the compatible versions of Kubernetes they support.

Run the following command to enable the default supported revision of the AKS Istio add-on for the AKS cluster, using the CA certificate information created earlier.

az aks mesh enable \
--resource-group ${RG_NAME} \
--name ${AKS_NAME} \
--key-vault-id ${AKV_ID} \
--root-cert-object-name istio-root-cert \
--ca-cert-object-name istio-intermediate-cert \
--ca-key-object-name istio-intermediate-key \
--cert-chain-object-name istio-cert-chain

This may take several minutes to complete.

Once the service mesh has been enabled, run the following command to view the Istio pods on the cluster.

kubectl get pods -n aks-istio-system

Enable Sidecar Injection

Service meshes traditionally work by deploying an additional container within the same pod as your application container. These additional containers are referred to as a sidecar or a sidecar proxy. These sidecar proxies receive policy and configuration from the service mesh control plane, and insert themselves in the communication path of your application to control the traffic to and from your application container.

The first step to onboarding your application into a service mesh, is to enable sidecar injection for your application pods. To control which applications are onboarded to the service mesh, we can target specific Kubernetes namespaces where applications are deployed.

For upgrade scenarios, it is possible to run multiple Istio add-on control planes with different versions. The following command enables sidecar injection for the Istio revision asm-1-22. If you are not sure which revision is installed on the cluster, you can run the following command az aks show --resource-group ${RG_NAME} --name ${AKS_NAME} --query "serviceMeshProfile.istio.revisions"

The following command will enable the AKS Istio add-on sidecar injection for the pets namespace for the Istio revision 1.22.

kubectl label namespace pets

At this point, we have simply just labeled the namespace, instructing the Istio control plane to enable sidecar injection on new deployments into the namespace. Since we have existing deployments in the namespace already, we will need to restart the deployments to trigger the sidecar injection.

Get a list of all the current pods running in the pets namespace.

kubectl get pods -n pets

You'll notice that each pod listed has a READY state of 1/1. This means there is one container (the application container) per pod. We will restart the deployments to have the Istio sidecar proxies injected into each pod.

Restart the deployments for the order-service, product-service, and store-front.

kubectl rollout restart deployment order-service -n pets
kubectl rollout restart deployment product-service -n pets
kubectl rollout restart deployment store-front -n pets

If we re-run the get pods command for the pets namespace, you will notice all of the pods now have a READY state of 2/2, meaning the pods now include the sidecar proxy for Istio. The RabbitMQ for the AKS Store application is not a Kubernetes deployment, but is a stateful set. We will need to redeploy the RabbitMQ stateful set to get the sidecar proxy injection.

kubectl rollout restart statefulset rabbitmq -n pets

If you again re-run the get pods command for the pets namespace, we'll see all the pods with a READY state of 2/2

kubectl get pods -n pets

Verify the Istio Mesh is Controlling Mesh Communications

We will walk through some common configurations to ensure the communications for the AKS Store application are secured. To begin we will deploy a Curl utility container to the cluster, so we can execute traffic commands from it to test out the Istio mesh policy.

Use the following command to deploy a test pod that will run the curl image to the default namespace of the cluster.

kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: curl-deployment
replicas: 1
app: curl
app: curl
- name: curl
image: curlimages/curl
command: ["sleep", "3600"]

We can verify the deployment of the test pod in the default namespace using following command:

kubectl get pods -n default

Wait for the test pod to be in a Running state.

Configure mTLS Strict Mode for the pets namespace

Currently Istio configures managed workloads to use mTLS when calling other workloads, but the default permissive mode allows a service to accept traffic in both plaintext or mTLS traffic. To ensure that the workloads we manage with the Istio add-on only accept mTLS communication, we will deploy a Peer Authentication policy to enforce only mTLS traffic for the workloads in the pets namespace.

Prior to deploying the mTLS strict mode, let's verify that the store-front service will respond to a client not using mTLS. We will invoke a call from the test pod to the store-front service and see if we get a response.

Run the following command to get the name of the test pod.

CURL_POD_NAME="$(kubectl get pod -l app=curl -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")"

Run the following command to run a curl command from the test pod to the store-front service.

kubectl exec -it ${CURL_POD_NAME} -- curl -IL store-front.pets.svc.cluster.local:80

You should see a response with a status of HTTP/1.1 200 OK indicating that the store-front service successfully responded to the client Let's now apply the Peer Authentication policy that will enforce all services in the pets namespace to only use mTLS communication.

Run the following command to configure the mTLS Peer Authentication policy.

kubectl apply -n pets -f - <<EOF
kind: PeerAuthentication
name: pets-default
namespace: pets
mode: STRICT

Once the mTLS strict mode peer authentication policy has been applied, we will now see if we can again get a response back from the store-front service from a client not using mTLS. Run the following command to curl to the store-front service again.

kubectl exec -it ${CURL_POD_NAME} -- curl -IL store-front.pets.svc.cluster.local:80

Notice that the curl client failed to get a response from the store-front service. The error returned is the indication that the mTLS policy has been enforced, and that the store-front service has rejected the non mTLS communication from the test pod.

To verify that the store-front service is still accessible for pods in the pets namespace where the mTLS Peer Authentication policy is deployed, we will again deploy the curl image utility pod in the pets namespace. That pod will automatically get the sidecar injection of the Istio proxy, along with the policy that will enable it to securely communicate to the store-front service.

Use the following command to deploy the test pod that will run the curl image to the pets namespace of the cluster.

kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: curl-pets-deployment
namespace: pets
replicas: 1
app: curl
app: curl
- name: curl
image: curlimages/curl
command: ["sleep", "3600"]

We can again verify the deployment of the test pod in the pets namespace using following command:

kubectl get pods -n pets | grep curl

Wait for the test pod to be in a Running state, and notice the READY state, which should have a status of 2/2.

Run the following command to get the name of the test pod in the pets namespace.

CURL_PETS_POD_NAME="$(kubectl get pod -n pets -l app=curl -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")"

Run the following command to run a curl command from the test pod in the pets namespace to the store-front service.

kubectl exec -it ${CURL_PETS_POD_NAME} -n pets -- curl -IL store-front.pets.svc.cluster.local:80

You should see a response with a status of HTTP/1.1 200 OK indicating that the store-front service successfully responded to the client in the pets namespace using only mTLS communication.