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Security, Identity & Authentication

The default mode of operation for the Dapr Store is in “demo mode” where there is no identity provided configured, and no security on the APIs. This makes it simple to run and allows us to focus on the Dapr aspects of the project. In this mode a demo/dummy user account can be used to sign-in and place orders in the store.

Optionally Dapr store can be configured utilise the Microsoft identity platform (aka Microsoft Entra ID) as an identity provider, to enable real user sign-in, and securing of the APIs.

Registering App

Using the Azure CLI create the new app registration

az ad app create --display-name="Dapr Store" \
  --sign-in-audience AzureADandPersonalMicrosoftAccount \
  --query "appId" -o tsv)

Make a note of the GUID returned, this is the app ID, or client ID

Follow the guide here to further configure the app, this currently can’t be done from the CLI

Quick summary of the steps, from the Azure portal under ‘App registrations’:

If you are hosting the app anywhere else, add the relevant redirect URIs

Expose an API - Important Step

Once the app is created and authentication is set up, an API scope must be added. Without this access tokens issued for the app will be scoped for the MS Graph API, and not the registered app

From the portal under ‘App registrations’:


When working locally copy .env.sample to .env in the root of the project repo. In the .env file uncomment and set the value for AUTH_CLIENT_ID to your registered app’s client ID (got from the steps above). This will be picked up by all services when running make run

Note. If running a services directly from their own directory i.e. cmd/cart/ the .env file will be looked for there.


MSAL.js for browser is used to provide authentication to the web app frontend

To enable auth, when working locally - create the following file web/frontend/.env.development.local and set VITE_AUTH_CLIENT_ID with your client id. Note the VITE_ prefix, this is important.

When served from the frontend-host, the frontend will try to fetch it’s configuration from the /config endpoint and try to get AUTH_CLIENT_ID this way. This allows dynamic configuration of the auth feature at runtime.

When AUTH_CLIENT_ID is set the application behavior changes as follows:

In both cases if AUTH_CLIENT_ID is not found at /config or if VITE_AUTH_CLIENT_ID is not set locally - then the app falls back into “demo user mode” with a fake user account in the frontend.

Services & Token Validation

Security is enabled server side by the bearer token scheme as part of the OpenID Connect flow. The go-rest-api auth package is used, and the JWTValidator() HTTP middleware function which can be used to secure any route exposed by the services.

If the environmental var AUTH_CLIENT_ID is not set, then a PassthroughValidator is used in place of the JWTValidator. This is default mode of operation, i.e. all APIs on all the services are open and can be called without authentication.

The JWTValidator function gets the access token from the authorization header, decodes it using JWK and the JWKS and verifies the claims as follows:

If the authorization header is missing, the bearer token is missing, or the claims are not validated - then a HTTP 401 response is returned.