Visualize Time Series Data with Azure Time Series Insights

Time Series Insights

Create Time Series Insights

Azure Time Series Insights is a fully managed analytics, storage, and visualization service for managing IoT-scale time-series data in the cloud. It provides massively scalable time-series data storage and enables you to explore and analyze billions of events streaming in from all over the world in seconds. Use Time Series Insights to store and manage terabytes of time-series data, explore and visualize billions of events simultaneously, conduct root-cause analysis, and to compare multiple sites and assets.

Time Series Insights has four key jobs:

In this lab you will learn

Click on Create a Resource and click on Internet of Things

Create Time Series Insights

Click on Time Series Insights

Create Time Series Insights

Select the resource group you previously created and click Create button

Create Time Series Insights Submit

Create Event Source

Create Event Source to connect to IoTHub. Please make sure you use a unique Consumer Group. Time Series Insights has a requirement to have its own unique consumer group

Create Event Source

Select the appropriate consumer group and click Create button

Create Event Source Submit

Setup Time Series Insights

Go To Time Series Insights, Click on Go To Environment which will take you to Time Series Insights Explorer

If you get Data Access Policy Error execute the following steps

Data Access Policy Error

Go To Environment Topology and

Select Data Access Policy

Click on Add Button

Add User and Role

Select Contributor Role

Select Contributor Role

Select User

Select User

Time Series Insights Explorer

Go To Time Series Insights Explorer

Visualize Data

Split By ID. You will see data flowing from two devices. MXChip and Pi Simulator.

Visualize Data

Select humidity and Split By ID. You will see data flowing from two devices. MXChip and Pi Simulator.

Visualize Data

Right Click to Explore events. You can download events in CSV and JSON format by clicking on CSV or JSON buttons

Visualize Data

Create a perspective by clicking on the image shown below

Visualize Data

Click + to add a new query

Visualize Data

Select Temperature and split by Device ID and click on perspective image.

Visualize Data

Create a chart by selecting a timeframe with drag feature

Visualize Data

Create a Chart by adding a predicate

Visualize Data

Perspective with 4 different charts and also changed Title

Visualize Data

Click on Heatmap

Visualize Data

View data in a table

Visualize Data