
Samples for Azure IoT starter kits.

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Set up your development environment

You will use a laptop to provision resources in Azure (e.g. Azure IoT Hub), configure the Raspberry Pi 3 as an Azure IoT Edge device, and deploy code to the edge device. To accomplish these objectives, you’ll need the following tools installed on your laptop:

  1. Docker:
  2. Git:
  3. Python 3.6:

    Note: You also need to install pip, which is included with Python 3.6. If you are installing Python on Windows, check the box in the installer that adds pip to your path. On a Mac, you can install pip with sudo apt install python-pip.

  4. Visual Studio Code:
  5. The following VS Code extensions:
    • Azure IoT Edge
    • Azure IoT Toolkit
    • Docker

    For information about finding and installing VS Code extensions, see

  6. Azure CLI 2.0:

  7. IoT extension for Azure CLI 2.0: After installing the Azure CLI 2.0, execute the following command:

    az extension add --name azure-cli-iot-ext

    After installation, use az extension list to validate the currently installed extensions or az extension show --name azure-cli-iot-ext to see details about the IoT extension.

  8. Azure IoT Starter Kit companion CLI: After you have installed Python/pip, execute the following command:

    pip install azure-iot-starterkit-cli